What do you know about Generation Segmentation?? Gen X, Gen Z, Baby Boomers and Millennials.
According to Wikipedia, a generation is defined as "a cohort of people born within a similar span of time (15 years at the upper end) who share a comparable age and life stage and who were shaped by a particular span of time (events, trends and developments)."
G.I. Generation: ~1900-1927 Age Range as of 2017: 90 and over Alternate Names: The Greatest Generation Shaped By: Great Depression, World Wars Traits: Hard-working, Patriotism, Respect Authority, Conservative Savers Silent Generation: ~1928-1945 Age Range as of 2017: ~72-89 Alternate Names: Builders, Traditionalists, Lucky Few, Post-war Cohort Shaped By: World War II, Vietnam War, Korean War Traits: Veterans, Conformists, Loyal, Follow Rules, Non-protestors Baby Boomers: ~1946-1964 Age Range as of 2017: ~53-71 Alternate Names: Me Generation, Generation Jones Shaped By: Woodstock, Civil Rights, Economic Prosperity, Kennedy Assassination, Rock ’n' Roll Traits: Driven, Question Authority, Optimistic, Efficient, Team Player, “Great Consumers” Generation X: ~1965-1980 Age Range as of 2017: ~37-52 Alternate Names: Baby Busters, Gen Bust, The Lost Generation, Latchkey Generation Shaped By: Watergate, Layoffs, Family Instability, Challenger Explosion, MTV Traits: Latch-key Kids, Self-reliant, Skeptical, Independent Millennials: ~1981-1997 Age Range as of 2017: ~20-36 Alternate Names: Generation Y, Echo Boomers, Generation Me Shaped By: 9/11, Columbine, Y2K, Internet, Great Recession, Technology Traits: Ask Why, Creative, Optimistic, Collaborative, Entrepreneurial Generation Z: ~1998-? Age Range as of 2017: 19 and younger Alternate Names: iGen, Centennials, Globals, Homelanders, Post-Millennials, Founders Shaped By: Terrorism, Mobile Technology, Social Media, Cyber Bullying Traits: Pragmatic, Cautious, Tech Dependent, Individualistic Generational spans are likely to shrink to 5-10 year spans, instead of 15-20 year spans, because of the increased level of exposure to significant events thanks to our hyper-connected world and increased exposure to innovations in technology that are altering behavior during moldable years.