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The Best Digital Advertising Trends of 2018
Watch the most impactful and popular digital ads in 2018, the third one is shocking. They are into three categories: 1-Humanize the tech...

Heads are being hunted attractively.
"Head Hunter" agencies are actively operating their business over social media platforms, just have a glance at LinkedIn and you will...

Funny: International Brands in Arabic
The Arabic speakers know very well that it's not easy at all to translate the Brands from English to Arabic because most probably it will...

Apple running the world by 927 Billion Dollar
Apple stands apart from the competition on the list of richest Public Companies around the world while Middle East, Africa and South...

Heart of a Lio
FC Barcelona honored its star Lionel Messi by releasing a short movie about his life story since he was an infant till he became one of...

What do you know about Generation Segmentation?? Gen X, Gen Z, Baby Boomers and Millennials.
According to Wikipedia, a generation is defined as "a cohort of people born within a similar span of time (15 years at the upper end) who...

5 "Good Enough" Advertisements
1- Ordinary Ad but deeply realistic comment underneath. ! 2- Coca Cola: Your body shape depends on with or without sugar. 3- BRAUN: This...

TOP 5 - Super Bowl 2018
#5- GOOD ODDS | TOYOTA | By Saatchi & Saatchi, Dentsu #4 - EVELYN | SPRINT | By Droga5 New York #3- THIS IS THE PEPSI | PEPSI | By PEPSI...

Ford UK: "Elephant in the Transit"
Ford tackles mental health stigma among men in its new campaign with mental health charity Time to Change. GTB UK’s idea was a top ten...

ALUMOBUWAH Ads: Bringing a New Word to Arabic Dictionary is not easy as you think !
Bringing a new word to Arabic dictionary is not easy as you think ! Especially, when you come up with a new word sounds like it came out ...
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